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Fight Song

Patrick Jaouen

July 30, 2015

Genre: Rock

More by Patrick



Views: 1373

Responses: 0



About This Song

It's these rainy summer mornings
Oh it's the thickness of the air
The sun comes up
Black the clouds makes me aware
The sleepless nights
The quiet tired in my bed
The ceaseless sights as
I surrender to the daemons in my head
It's the fight
The fearless forging straight ahead
The endless light
The constant thoughts within my head
But I keep losing
What it takes to get along
The answer to my questions
They have been here all along

Oh in the places
And in the storms that come along
The rain may come
And I'll still be here when it is gone
I'll stand my ground
Break the clouds with my last breath
And I'll keep moving
There's no time for me to rest
So you can watch me
From the outside looking in
But I'll keep pushing
Cause it's here that I'll begin
But just don't test me
Cause I'm not weak don't get me wrong
I'll just keep rising
Just like I have been all along

So take what you will
But I keep rising
From the strength inside my will
I'm always stronger than anything that's on my way
And I'll keep fighting
On my feet till my last day

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It's these rainy summer mornings
Oh it's the thickness of the air
The sun comes up
Black the clouds makes me aware
The sleepless nights
The quiet tired in my bed
The ceaseless sights as
I surrender to the daemons in my head
It's the fight
The fearless forging straight ahead
The endless light
The constant thoughts within my head
But I keep losing
What it takes to get along
The answer to my questions
They have been here all along

Oh in the places
And in the storms that come along
The rain may come
And I'll still be here when it is gone
I'll stand my ground
Break the clouds with my last breath
And I'll keep moving
There's no time for me to rest
So you can watch me
From the outside looking in
But I'll keep pushing
Cause it's here that I'll begin
But just don't test me
Cause I'm not weak don't get me wrong
I'll just keep rising
Just like I have been all along

So take what you will
But I keep rising
From the strength inside my will
I'm always stronger than anything that's on my way
And I'll keep fighting
On my feet till my last day

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