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Christian Gross

March 04, 2015

Genre: Pop

More by Christian



Views: 1308

Responses: 0



About This Song

A song about growing up in 1992

Feedback Requested

I was listening to this song way too often now and I kind of lost track of what's good and what's bad about it. I would really appreciate some general feedback about the song, the structure, chord progression, melody, lyrics, ...

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It was the third year of the nineteen-nineties, and life didn’t trouble us a lot
and even school couldn’t change the fact that we spend
most of the time doing things that we liked
most of the time doing things that we liked

We were just testing our boundaries each and every single day
But an hour of Ten, or an hour of Dirt, was all that mattered when we were
hanging around as kids in our teens
hanging around as kids in our teens

It used to be an eternity
back there in 92
now a day is not more than a moment anymore
sometimes even a Déjà vu

This goes out to Layne and Mike and Chris and Eddie and Curt
You've shaped my little world more than anyone else and made this the greatest
time for a kid to grow up
the greatest time for a kid to grow up


And thank you guys for still being there for me
whenever I need you the most
your music is the soundtrack to my life and it will always be


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