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Hand It Down

Dave Undis

January 07, 2015

Genre: Country

More by Dave



Views: 1218

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About This Song

Freedom is a hand-me-down.

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Hand It Down
by Dave Undis and Michael Skotte

Over by the trout stream, there’s an old stone cross.
Your great grandpa Jack fought in the war.
Grandpa Billy’s ashes are scattered by the oak tree.
That’s where he used to sit and read.
He laid down his life for you and me.

Freedom is a hand-me-down.
I’m handing it to you.
I got it from your Grandpa.
He got it from his Dad too.
I know you’ll make me proud
When your turn comes around
To hand it down.

Tomorrow I’ll be going somewhere far away.
I might be away a long, long time.
You watch over mama and your sister too.
It’s a real man’s job to do.
I know we can all count on you.

Freedom is a hand-me-down.
I’m handing it to you.
I got it from your Grandpa.
He got it from his Dad too.
I know you’ll make me proud
When your turn comes around
To hand it down.

Freedom is a precious gift.
Take good care of it.

Freedom is a hand-me-down.
I’m handing it to you.
I got it from your Grandpa.
He got it from his Dad too.
I know you’ll make me proud
When your turn comes around
To hand it down.

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