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Two Sides

Joshua Ingram

June 27, 2014

Genre: Country

More by Joshua



Views: 1830

Responses: 1



About This Song

Written from a bar top before a show while missing being with my family, this song is about the challenge of being an entertainer and a family man. It also speaks to the idea that we present a strong, confident, well balanced version of ourself to the world as were taught to do, but always secretly wondering if we're good enough for anyone else.

Feedback Requested

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1 Response

Dick Plunk


I love the feel, the chorus, and the premise of this song. I had 2 problems with the lyric. First - you started out in 1st person (“the man I am”)  and then switched to 3rd person. That makes it confusing. Are you still singing about the same guy? Second - you set this up to show how the singer has two sides, but didn’t do that very convincingly. I think it would make the song stronger if you proved the “two sides” with specific examples of each contrasted against each other.

I love the melody.

July 30, 2014

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Two Sides- Joshua Ingram

D A Bm G A
There are two sides to every coin Two banks of the creek
D A Bm G A G D
Two sides to the man that I am One you know and one you can’t see

G A Bm
There’s a man who loves his wife
Loves his daughters more than anything in his whole life
G A Bm
The sun always rises and then it sets
Which day is which is often easy to forget


There’s a man whose world is dark
He hides in the cold, shadowed corner of my heart
He hides in whiskey, far out of sight
Frozen by fear of what would happen if he stepped in the light


Bm A
There’s a shadow underneath my smile
G A A/A# A
loneliness in spite of my friends
Bm A A
long painful road that goes on for miles
Tells the true story of where I’ve been


Dick Plunk


I love the feel, the chorus, and the premise of this song. I had 2 problems with the lyric. First - you started out in 1st person (“the man I am”)  and then switched to 3rd person. That makes it confusing. Are you still singing about the same guy? Second - you set this up to show how the singer has two sides, but didn’t do that very convincingly. I think it would make the song stronger if you proved the “two sides” with specific examples of each contrasted against each other.

I love the melody.

July 30, 2014


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