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Bim Walker

June 02, 2014

Genre: Folk

More by Bim



Views: 1017

Responses: 2



About This Song

This is a very simple instrumental. I would like to extend it and maybe add some other instrumentation to it. This version came about because a friend was making a collection of tracks that had to be 50 seconds long, so I cut it down to that length.

2 Responses

Dennis Field

Nice job with the instrumental. I got a feeling of slow wind blowing in a field of flowers. Not sure if that takes you in a direction or not for some additional instruments, but thought I’d give you some feedback.

June 04, 2014

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Bim Walker

Thanks, I appreciate that.  My thought is to keep the melody very simple, and layer it with something fairly light, like strings or a soft harmonica.

June 05, 2014

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Dennis Field

Nice job with the instrumental. I got a feeling of slow wind blowing in a field of flowers. Not sure if that takes you in a direction or not for some additional instruments, but thought I’d give you some feedback.

June 04, 2014


Bim Walker

Thanks, I appreciate that.  My thought is to keep the melody very simple, and layer it with something fairly light, like strings or a soft harmonica.

June 05, 2014


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