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Here and Now

Bim Walker

June 02, 2014

Genre: Folk

More by Bim



Views: 1152

Responses: 0



About This Song

I wrote this song for my then fiancé for her birthday, a few months before we got married.

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The world was made from dust and time
A moment saved, the stars aligned
With all the elements combined
And they have brought you here

We were words in search of rhymes
Never heard, and out of time
Waiting for a verse to find
That only we would hear

On this day, I hope you've found
A better way, for here and now
And ever more, I pray somehow
To always hold you near

And so I'll end with you beside
My love to send, our plans designed
Walking with your hand in mine
A heart I hold so dear

This day is yours, and may it shine
Its light throughout the year

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