I said, "I see Forever in your eyes"

That's how the song was born. This is a rough cut. A mastered version is on the way. " /> Forever in your eyes by Christopher Fry :: Songwriting Pro :: Helping Songwriters Turn Pro

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Forever in your eyes

Christopher Fry

October 09, 2018

Genre: Pop

More by Christopher

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About This Song

One night, when dropping my girlfriend at her house, we were talking. And while she was talking, she was looking at me, and I looked into here eyes, She asked me, "What are you looking at?"

I said, "I see Forever in your eyes"

That's how the song was born. This is a rough cut. A mastered version is on the way.

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Forever in your eyes

Written by Christopher Fry

Don’t know where I’m going,

but I’m on my way.

Your smile is showing

A light to guide the way

There's not a time that I can't see us being together

I give you my word that I won't hurt you no, not ever.

When I'm with you I'm glowing

I hope you feel it too

Cause when our love is flowing

It fills my whole life through

There's not a time that I can't see us being together

I give you my word that I won't hurt you no, not ever.

You mean the world to me

I look at you I see

Forever in your eyes

So do this dance with me

'Coz it will always be

Forever in your eyes

I promise to stand by you

Through good and bad times

'Coz with you by my side

We can face the tides

The best years of our lives.

Your beauty is golden

I say this from my heart

And with your touch I'm knowing

We'll never be apart

There's not a time that I can't see us being together

I give you my word that I won't hurt you no, not ever.

You mean the world to me

I look at you I see

Forever in your eyes

So do this dance with me

'Coz it will always be

Forever in your eyes

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