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A Breeze Through an Open Window

Martin Vipond

August 06, 2018

Genre: Rock

More by Martin



Views: 796

Responses: 0



About This Song

What is the Holy Spirit? Like a breeze through an open window.

Feedback Requested

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I haven't posted in a while. Just finished this and thought I'd upload it and see how it flies.

Unusual structure - C C V V C

I'm sure you'll never hear this on Christian Radio!

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A Breeze Through an Open...

Written by Martin Vipond

You're like a breeze through an open window
Curtains blowing
You touch my cheek
You're like a breeze and I don't know
Where you're going
As you swirl around me.

I can feel you
But I can't touch you
I don't see you
But you're still here
The breath of night sighs your name

Your eyes - a crosswind
My mind - a whirlwind
Like a cyclone you wreck my heart
The breath of night sighs your name

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