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I Quit Quit Drinkin - Studio

Tony True

May 01, 2018

Genre: Country

More by Tony



Views: 842

Responses: 0



About This Song

A little play on words I came up years ago..

Feedback Requested

Any feedback....suggestions would be always.

I also have a little rockier version but I just noticed that in it I sang the second verse twice...

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I Quit Quit Drinkin -...

Written by Tony True

I quit quit drinking since you stopped loving me
Since I quit quit drinking I ain't found sobriety
All my friends say boy you'd better slow down
But I quit quit drinking since you ain't around

I know I swore I'd never drink again
But since you said, goodbye this is the end
All of those memories coming back again
So I quit quit drinking to help me to forget

I quit quit drinking since you stopped loving me
Since I quit quit drinking I ain't found sobriety
All my friends say boy you'd better slow down
But I quit quit drinking since you ain't around

I lived a lie I can no longer pretend
Cause I found it hard to think of us as only friends
So I reached for a bottle of courage and then
Tried to drink away your memory then the troubles began

I quit quit drinking since you stopped loving me
Since I quit quit drinking I ain't found sobriety
All my friends say boy you'd better slow down
But I quit quit drinking since you ain't around
Ya I quit quit drinking since you ain't around

Tony True - SOCAN - 2009

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