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Hey little Girlie

barry guy

March 29, 2018

Genre: Pop

More by barry



Views: 1133

Responses: 1



About This Song

This song was written about two years ago as part of a musical and celebrates the birth of the main character, Holly.

1 Response

Sandra Lynn

Okay so I love musical theater. I wish I had the depth and breadth in my own songwriting to write enough songs that would result in an entire show one day. I like what you did here and I can totally imagine the scene in whatever show you wrote this for where the new parents are marveling at their creation, dim lights, the scene filled with awe and wonderment…. great job!

April 05, 2018

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Hey little Girlie

Written by barry guy


Sandra Lynn

Okay so I love musical theater. I wish I had the depth and breadth in my own songwriting to write enough songs that would result in an entire show one day. I like what you did here and I can totally imagine the scene in whatever show you wrote this for where the new parents are marveling at their creation, dim lights, the scene filled with awe and wonderment…. great job!

April 05, 2018


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