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You’re Like A Tumor

Noora S

February 14, 2018

Genre: Country

More by Noora



Views: 1015

Responses: 1



About This Song

Kinda folk-country stylish. Goes from another verse to chorus and so on on like all my songs lately. I should try something different and actually I'm working on it. Songwriting is really hard, especially when you are trying to do everything on your own from writing melody and lyrics, singing and playing it, and now I'm also trying to make me a at least reasonable producer. xD

Feedback Requested

Anything appreciated! smile

1 Response

Kyle Mercer

Just so you know—the play function isn’t working on this song at the moment. (9:46 Central 2/15)

February 15, 2018

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You’re Like A Tumor

Written by Noora S


Once again I couldn't stay away
The regret I feel right now feels
like hungover at Sunday morning
with somebody lying next to me


You're like a tumor
I need to get rid off so badly
How in the world I'm gonna find
the peace and move on with my life


Maybe I need to find the new place
The place where I won't be reminded of you
'Cause that's something I'm so sick and tired


Yeah, you're like a tumor which keeps growing and growing



Kyle Mercer

Just so you know—the play function isn’t working on this song at the moment. (9:46 Central 2/15)

February 15, 2018


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