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Tommy Grimes III

December 26, 2017

Genre: Rock

More by Tommy



Views: 857

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About This Song

About how a person can be like a spark that ignites your emotions. Started life as an acoustic rather than electric, and I may redo it as acoustic again one day, not sure the electric works so well. Session singer on this one.

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I was travelling long-haul, down the cold and lonely road of the mind,
I had no destination, but I was running any way, night driving blind

I was carrying fuel, you were the unexpected spark,
The heat.
The light.

Hadn’t seen a soul in years, on the back roads no one rides, killing time
You came out of nowhere, another searcher on this road, you pulled alongside

You were the fuel, I was your unexpected spark,
The heat,
The light,

Souls on fire, the blaze consumes us both, burning bright,
Engines sing together, travelling jointly down this road, a roar in the night

We were the fuel, love was the unexpected spark,
The heat,
The light,

You were the fuel, I was the fuel, love was the unexpected spark,
The heat,
The light

The heat,
The light,

The heat,
The light,

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