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You’re a Catch

Amber Lewis

June 27, 2017

Genre: Country

More by Amber



Views: 922

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About This Song

Girls who copy everything a boy is doing to get his attention, this girl won't change a thing and knows she'll stand out that way. I picture them all on a field playing a baseball game.

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You’re a Catch

Written by Amber Lewis

when you walk on the field
you don't notice me
oh boy, you are so fine

all the girls start chasing you
their so naive
playing on your team

batter's up
I got my mitt on
oh, you don't see me yet
I catch the fly ones
even the foul ones
nothing gets passed me
here I come

batter swing as far as you can go
cause it will be your only ticket home
oh boy, you are a catch
I got my mitt on

contemplating each base
stop right there
I will not let you slide
try and run back and forth
ref blows the whistle
cause I tagged you out

Chorus repeat

ninth ending
look at that score board
the boys all zeroed out
he's starring down field
looking at me
I have caught him now
oh, you are a catch
mmm, you are a catch

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