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Own tomorrow

Andreas Georgiou

February 09, 2017

Genre: Rock

More by Andreas



Views: 1241

Responses: 4



About This Song

About man's vanity and greed..

4 Responses

Brent Baxter

Hey, Andreas! Cool title. I dig the feel, too. I like that you’re writing about vanity and greed. I clearly see his vain attitude. However, I’d kinda like to see some of the “lesson” in this song. I guess you’re doing that with the “running in circles” and “chasing the sun.” But it’s not as clear as I’d like it to be.  If I’m not REALLY thinking about it, it just sounds like s really arrogant singer. There’s something cool there, not quite sure how to make the lesson clear wiki their getting cheesy or preachy, which I don’t think would work for this.  Cool vibe, though, and good title.

February 11, 2017

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Andreas Georgiou

Thanks man..It’s not really supposed to be a ‘lesson’ and it is actually supposed to sound arrogant as the voice is actually ‘the man’ having a realization of his vanity in the chorus…i don’t know if u see my

February 12, 2017

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Cameron Scott

Thoroughly enjoyed.

February 16, 2017

Andreas Georgiou

Thanks Cameron! You can check out the promotion vid as well as more songs on youtube!

February 16, 2017

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I am immortal I'm called the man
I own the wind I own the sun
I own tomorrow
I fear no time I fear no death
I'll be forever you mark my words
I own tomorrow

All of my life I've been running in circles
All of my life I've been chasing the sun

I disappear and i revive
You think I'm gone but I'm alive
Go tell the story go spread the word
About the man who ruled the world

All of...


Brent Baxter

Hey, Andreas! Cool title. I dig the feel, too. I like that you’re writing about vanity and greed. I clearly see his vain attitude. However, I’d kinda like to see some of the “lesson” in this song. I guess you’re doing that with the “running in circles” and “chasing the sun.” But it’s not as clear as I’d like it to be.  If I’m not REALLY thinking about it, it just sounds like s really arrogant singer. There’s something cool there, not quite sure how to make the lesson clear wiki their getting cheesy or preachy, which I don’t think would work for this.  Cool vibe, though, and good title.

February 11, 2017


Andreas Georgiou

Thanks man..It’s not really supposed to be a ‘lesson’ and it is actually supposed to sound arrogant as the voice is actually ‘the man’ having a realization of his vanity in the chorus…i don’t know if u see my

February 12, 2017


Cameron Scott

Thoroughly enjoyed.

February 16, 2017


Andreas Georgiou

Thanks Cameron! You can check out the promotion vid as well as more songs on youtube!

February 16, 2017


Welcome back!

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