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Matthew Keller's avatar

Matthew Keller

Closer Than They Appear

Who we are as a person is the the outcome from every place we've been, every occurrence we've experienced, and every person we've grown close to along the way. Keep the good ones close.

59224 Views 5 Responses

Closer Than They Appear
Closer Than They Appear
Marvin Adcock

Lettin’ Go

The toughest part of letting go is forgiving yourself.

15234 Views 11 Responses

Lettin’ Go
Lettin’ Go
Marvin Adcock

I Lied Too

You said you'd love me forever, I said I'd get over you.

15268 Views 11 Responses

I Lied Too
I Lied Too
Marvin Adcock

Cross Your Heart

I know there are not a lot of traditional country songs getting cuts, but I still love writing them.

6252 Views 7 Responses

Cross Your Heart
Cross Your Heart
Marvin Adcock

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