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Lisa Caterbone's avatar

Lisa Caterbone

Different This Time

Co-written with the awesome Lisa Caterbone, who is also the wonderful singer on the track. A song about how hard it can be to leave an abusive relationship, and how even best friends sometimes just don't understand that.

1495 Views 6 Responses

Different This Time
Different This Time
Tommy Grimes III

A Patient Man

My wife has told me for years that I have no patience, so I figured I might as well write a song about it.

3964 Views 7 Responses

A Patient Man
A Patient Man
Marvin Adcock

Love on Somebody

I came up with this idea after the Las Vegas shooting. Wrote this with a friend who is becoming a great track guy. He did the demo.

1283 Views 7 Responses

Love on Somebody
Love on Somebody
Jason Street

Saints and Sinners

I played a show with my friend the "Loafing Hero" in Berlin. A rugby team came in the pub, found out he was Irish, and ruined his set of originals by demanding Irish ballads. It was rough, but you gotta keep on going, and that's what this is about.

1785 Views 7 Responses

Saints and Sinners
Saints and Sinners
Daniel Dye

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