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Jason Street's avatar

Jason Street

Going Going Gone

A song about a woman finding courage and freedom.

3158 Views 6 Responses

Going Going Gone
Going Going Gone
Marvin Adcock

Rain In Paradise

Now don't ya want it to rain in paradise! Co-writes Emily Henline/Jean Nolan/Kay Mott

1615 Views 4 Responses

Rain In Paradise
Rain In Paradise
Kay Williams/Mott

Struggle To Breathe

Story of growing up and the struggles along the way. Co-writer: Mark Dolin

1206 Views 3 Responses

Struggle To Breathe
Struggle To Breathe
Kay Williams/Mott

Love Leads The Way

I heard the initial melody from a friend in the UK and I was so inspired I wrote a verse and chorus in 30 minutes and asked him if I could use the which he said yes. I have since added to it as it was quite short and changed a few things

1299 Views 2 Responses

Love Leads The Way
Love Leads The Way
Tony True

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