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Kristina  Bandina's avatar

Kristina Bandina

A Patient Man

My wife has told me for years that I have no patience, so I figured I might as well write a song about it.

3963 Views 7 Responses

A Patient Man
A Patient Man
Marvin Adcock

So I’ve Been...

This is a phrase I use a lot in my day to day life....It kind of struck me one day as I was on my break from my day job and I started playing around with it. I actually wrote the first couple verses and chorus in between work duties.

Hope y'all like it smile
It's not exactly written in a conventional way....

1212 Views 5 Responses

So I’ve Been Thinking
So I’ve Been...
Sherri Vickery

Are You Listening?

I think every relationship goes through rough patches, so hopefully listeners can relate to this song. It would probably be best if sung by a female.

1343 Views 4 Responses

Are You Listening?
Are You Listening?
Phillip Lemmonds

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