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Phillip Lemmonds 's avatar

Phillip Lemmonds

Deja Vu


1774 Views 4 Responses

Deja Vu
Deja Vu
Amber Lewis

Time Won’t Heal...

A couple years ago, my best friend lost his 30 year old son. It was totally unexpected. Kyle was the nicest guy I ever met, and I wear his memory bracelet always.
I've been kicking around the idea to write a song for Kyle, but it was just too soon, until now

727 Views 1 Responses

Time Won’t Heal This Time
Time Won’t Heal...
Michael Casali

How Many Ways

Rocking Country

1304 Views 3 Responses

How Many Ways
How Many Ways
Rob Repass

That Smile

1328 Views 7 Responses

That Smile
That Smile
Rob Repass

Lipstick Red MBZ

Just a sweet little revenge song.....husband's going through a mid-life crisis, changes his look, cheats, gets himself a new black Mercedes - she decides to make that Benz her own!!

1222 Views 4 Responses

Lipstick Red MBZ
Lipstick Red MBZ
Kristina Bandina

She Said

The lights were on and the band's gone home. Sorry Charlie!

2423 Views 4 Responses

She Said
She Said
Marvin Adcock

You Can Count On...

I love you so much, that’s why it hurts
When we don’t agree
But you can always count on me

1977 Views 4 Responses

You Can Count On Me
You Can Count On...
Marvin Adcock

Crying in the Rain ...

A story about a couple who used to walk in the rain and after they break up he remembers her every time it rains.

1514 Views 2 Responses

Crying in the Rain (Work in Progress)
Crying in the Rain ...
David Pritchett


I wrote this song with two Canadian country artists, Aaron Goodvin and Drew Gregory. It was actually recorded by ANOTHER Canadian country artist, Tristan Horncastle. This is the demo, with Aaron singing.

2272 Views 7 Responses

Brent Baxter

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