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Anthony C. Reitzel's avatar

Anthony C. Reitzel


very, very sketchy rough draft of a demo of an idea of a song

971 Views 1 Responses

Ralf Thiessies

Midnight Streets of Campus

I've been having a lot of late nights lately. When I finally get back to campus, I park a few blocks down, and find myself walking through campus streets. Wrote this on the walk back tonight.

2114 Views 8 Responses

Midnight Streets of Campus
Midnight Streets of Campus
Joey Hendrickson

You’re a Cult

2038 Views 8 Responses

You’re a Cult
You’re a Cult
Emma Peterson

Refuse To Sink

This song is dedicated toeverybody and anybody that's dealing with depression, self harm, cutting, self hate, or suicidal thoughts. There's always hope, refuse to sink. the song is acoustic this was just a sample edit on garage band

1805 Views 2 Responses

Refuse To Sink
Refuse To Sink
John Tucker

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