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Carol Katterjohn's avatar

Carol Katterjohn

Can’t Do

696 Views 4 Responses

Can’t Do
Can’t Do
Carol Katterjohn

Good By Me

The hook has a double meaning. When heard the title can mean Good bye as in 'so-long' and also Good-by meaning 'fit's fine with' me. It's meant to be light hearted.

1130 Views 10 Responses

Good By Me
Good By Me
Carol Katterjohn

Someday Isn’t One

The song is about not waiting to goo after one's dreams. Positive message. Possible placement is TV/Film?

859 Views 6 Responses

Someday Isn’t One
Someday Isn’t One
Carol Katterjohn

You Are What You

The hook for this song came from a wine bag I saw at the grocery store.

999 Views 2 Responses

You Are What You Drink
You Are What You
Carol Katterjohn

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