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Sandra Lynn's avatar

Sandra Lynn

Dont Make Me Lie

This song is about that point in a relationship when somebody knows somethings up. It was written in the style of Tammy Wynette, Loretta Lynn...meant to be the last dance at a honky tonk type song.

1355 Views 7 Responses

Dont Make Me Lie to You
Dont Make Me Lie
Sandra Lynn

Just Cause He’s

Toe tappin classic country rock song.

1287 Views 1 Responses

Just Cause He’s Sweet
Just Cause He’s
Sandra Lynn

Best Part of My

Song about someone contemplating the risk of a new relationship. Written/recorded long ago for the band Slow Creek.

1586 Views 2 Responses

Best Part of My Day
Best Part of My
Sandra Lynn


This is a song about my grandfather, every word of it is true!

1551 Views 7 Responses

Sandra Lynn

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