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Bob Pitts's avatar

Bob Pitts

The Road Less Traveled

A parable about rightiousness that could be a cross over to country depending on the artist's demeanor.

1213 Views 6 Responses

The Road Less Traveled
The Road Less Traveled
Bob Pitts

Walked On Water

My display of blues lead guitar and lyrics to an old T-Bone Walker song

824 Views 0 Responses

Walked On Water
Walked On Water
Bob Pitts

Sweet Cheeks

Instrumental on acoustic. Would love to license for commercial air play

897 Views 0 Responses

Sweet Cheeks
Sweet Cheeks
Bob Pitts

Take Away

My latest inspirational tune. Expresses what I believe in and why.

1350 Views 4 Responses

Take Away
Take Away
Bob Pitts

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