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barry guy's avatar

barry guy

Where have they Gone

It`s an anti-war song, the lyrics say the rest.

733 Views 0 Responses

Where have they Gone
Where have they Gone
barry guy


This song has been added before but this version is more of a musical and is a lot different.
I would just like to know if this version receives the same response as the previous one. The song is about the uniqueness of meeting that special person at that `particular time`.

749 Views 2 Responses

barry guy

Guiding Star

The second song from the musical following `Hey little Girlie` and is a teenage Holly dedicating this song to her father.

747 Views 2 Responses

Guiding Star
Guiding Star
barry guy

Hey little Girlie

This song was written about two years ago as part of a musical and celebrates the birth of the main character, Holly.

1135 Views 1 Responses

Hey little Girlie
Hey little Girlie
barry guy

There`s a time

Just to encourage someone who is `stuck inside` to look elsewhere.

1038 Views 3 Responses

There`s a time
There`s a time
barry guy

Changing Times

A story about time `moving on` whether in relationships or different seasons

917 Views 4 Responses

Changing Times
Changing Times
barry guy

Don’t You Ever

1010 Views 2 Responses

Don’t You Ever Change
Don’t You Ever
barry guy

nothing to share

between 1845 and 1850 there was a potato blight in Ireland. As this was the main food for the

Irish people, the end result was a million folk dying of starvation and a further million leaving their country to live in America.This song was written about three years ago to remember them.The singer Pete Kelly sings with an Irish group

1358 Views 6 Responses

nothing to share
nothing to share
barry guy

Round and Round

Another song from a musical idea where the young man is starting to notice his girls mind games.

1403 Views 2 Responses

Round and Round
Round and Round
barry guy

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