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Ronnie Glenn's avatar

Ronnie Glenn

Memory Train

The story behind this track started at a train store back in 2006. The idea left the station by way of a songwriting challenge. My close friend and coworker said, "write a song about a train from a different point of view. I instantly thought of "Long Black Train" by Josh Turner. It's not an exact fit for Josh Turner but it was a fun write.

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Memory Train
Memory Train
Ronnie Glenn

This Time Of Year

Rockabilly isn't a genre listed on the drop down menu. My target market would be Country for this holiday song.

It's almost time for that Christmas season to begin. Every mall in America is going to be decorated and filled with music for the holiday festivities. My goal was to create something different from all the other traditional holiday songs people hear around this time of year.

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This Time Of Year (Give Thanks)
This Time Of Year
Ronnie Glenn

In The Meantime

LYRIC ONLY Submission

Mid Tempo

1316 Views 3 Responses

In The Meantime
In The Meantime
Ronnie Glenn

Maybe Tomorrow

Back in 1998 I was inspired by Alan Jackson's song "Right On The Money". It was written by: Phil Vassar and Charlie Black. I attempted my first "target writing" song exercise.

1212 Views 2 Responses

Maybe Tomorrow
Maybe Tomorrow
Ronnie Glenn

You Are Him

This is my first Christian Rock/Pop attempt at a song.

1260 Views 2 Responses

You Are Him
You Are Him
Ronnie Glenn

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