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Mikalyn  Hay's avatar

Mikalyn Hay


Wrote this track with Murray Daigle and Jonathan Pike. Its meant to be a pop song but I just wanted to do a stripped down piano version.

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Mikalyn Hay

Seven Billion

Last winter I took my first trip to Nashville. I scheduled a co-write with Jimmy Borja and Roger Beckett. In a few short hours we came up with this diddy. I hope you like it.

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Seven Billion
Seven Billion
Mikalyn Hay

Seven Billion

Last winter I took my first trip to Nashville. I scheduled a co-write with Jimmy Borja and Roger Beckett. In a few short hours we came up with this diddy. I hope you like it.

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Seven Billion
Seven Billion
Mikalyn Hay

Every Single Christmas

Jimmy Borja whom I met on my trip to Nashville last March have stayed in touch. We try to write via skype from time to time. Late in October - he suggested a Xmas Song. I started humming to some melancholy chords and "Every Single Christmas" happened.

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Every Single Christmas
Every Single Christmas
Mikalyn Hay


Went to Nashville on my March Break with my best friend. It was our first trip. My dad drove us from Guelph. We had so much fun. One of the things I tried to do was play out as much as possible and do a bunch of co-writes - Up was one of them.

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Mikalyn Hay


Murray Daigle and Bobby John and I sat in the studio and wrote the song together. Murray came up with the beat and Bobby and I started with the song idea and the lyric.

2178 Views 4 Responses

Mikalyn Hay


I had popped into a session with Jimmy Borja a talented Nashville writer to record a song we had just written called 7 Billion. At the end of the session - I sat at the keyboard and came up with this chord progression. The words came quickly after that and within about 45 minutes I had this song done.

1840 Views 9 Responses

Mikalyn Hay


Wanted to write a relationship song, about trying to be played. Sat down with Maddy Rodriguez and Johnny Simmen and we came up with Keyboard. Wrote it on my March Break trip to Nashville.

2157 Views 3 Responses

Mikalyn Hay

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