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Randall Johns's avatar

Randall Johns

Quintana Roo

Not all dreams come true, but life is good anyway.

901 Views 0 Responses

Quintana Roo
Quintana Roo
Randall Johns

Song For Lucy

About how I, according to others, was born to fill a void in my mother's life when her beloved mother passed away in the prime of her life. It seems my parents had been trying to have a second child for years, then at the right moment it happened..

1594 Views 2 Responses

Song For Lucy
Song For Lucy
Randall Johns

Chasin’ That Thang

The eternal quest. grin

1383 Views 1 Responses

Chasin’ That Thang
Chasin’ That Thang
Randall Johns

Fly Me to Where

Written in memorial to my mother, who passed away in March, 2014. The vocals are mine, the piano track is by a gifted friend.

1966 Views 2 Responses

Fly Me to Where You Are
Fly Me to Where
Randall Johns

Shimmy Town

Attempting to be commercial. grin

1284 Views 2 Responses

Shimmy Town
Shimmy Town
Randall Johns

Somewhere Green

Longing for simpler times. (vocal:Jeff Carson)

1338 Views 4 Responses

Somewhere Green
Somewhere Green
Randall Johns


Wistful love song. (vocal: Randall Johns)

1596 Views 4 Responses

Randall Johns

Mississippi Moon

A fishing song that isn't about fishing. grin (vocal: Randall Johns)

1152 Views 2 Responses

Mississippi Moon
Mississippi Moon
Randall Johns

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