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Bim Walker's avatar

Bim Walker

Don’t Give Up

I wrote this a while ago, and just now found a completely different set of lyrics that I had forgotten about... I had the opening riff and thought it sounded kind of like an old-fashioned train song.

1688 Views 5 Responses

Don’t Give Up On Me Baby
Don’t Give Up
Bim Walker

Self-Inflicted Blues

Straightforward blues song. I liked the sound of the opening chords with open strings, and just put a 12-bar structure around them.

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Self-Inflicted Blues
Self-Inflicted Blues
Bim Walker


This is a very simple instrumental. I would like to extend it and maybe add some other instrumentation to it. This version came about because a friend was making a collection of tracks that had to be 50 seconds long, so I cut it down to that length.

1025 Views 2 Responses

Bim Walker

Somewhere To Go

This song was written as an exercise from the idea of a person who has died and is in his casket before the viewing starts, wondering if he was a good-enough friend that people will want to pay their respects. I used alliteration a lot in the verses.

1554 Views 3 Responses

Somewhere To Go
Somewhere To Go
Bim Walker


The 2nd verse ("the light it seems to change") just popped into my head complete one night, and I built the rest of it around that. The image for me is standing at the house in the country where I grew up.

964 Views 0 Responses

Bim Walker

Here and Now

I wrote this song for my then fiancé for her birthday, a few months before we got married.

1160 Views 0 Responses

Here and Now
Here and Now
Bim Walker

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