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Christopher Woten's avatar

Christopher Woten

This Place

This song is an older song of mine. It has spiritual undertones, talking about waiting for change and our frustrated inability to do anything about it. The bomb shell section reflects sleepless nights thinking of such changes.

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This Place
This Place
Christopher Woten

Growing Pains rough

The story is taken from many thoughts that have entered my head about the worlds growing pains, like a mist descending over all gentle yet so strong, like a river
(DR-05)Recorded this quietly at the opposite end of the house, trying not to wake folks

1562 Views 3 Responses

Growing Pains rough
Growing Pains rough
Christopher Woten

Let Me Know-rough

I wrote this song based within a day. I got the songtopic prompt Saturday and recorded it quickly Sunday night in my garage(not heated btw) because the babies were sleeping. It is rough, but I think there is some good stuff in it. Let me know what you think. I had fun throwing it together.

1364 Views 2 Responses

Let Me Know-rough
Let Me Know-rough
Christopher Woten

Coming Back Again

This song is actually very much christian based. I was not certain what would be more appropriate as a genre though. It is a description of spiritual rescue. Describing the return of virtue and strength of morals and will. Simply . . .God.

827 Views 0 Responses

Coming Back Again
Coming Back Again
Christopher Woten

Week at the Knees

Life taking over, the overwhelming power and beauty of IT. God. The power and guidance to woman and man.

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Week at the Knees
Week at the Knees
Christopher Woten


This song was written with very spiritual intentions. It is a battle with self, that we are always searching for the "good' and that "good" is always waiting and ultimately finding.

1074 Views 3 Responses

Christopher Woten

More Like Home

As a boy and young man I have had dreams and with a rocky upbringing, my dreams seemed to feel more like home, from being a super hero, to hitting the first home run of the game to walking down winding paths that go nowhere, but yet go somewhere.

1445 Views 2 Responses

More Like Home
More Like Home
Christopher Woten

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