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Orion  DiFranco's avatar

Orion DiFranco

I give in

First of all this song is very personal. I constantly let this person come and go when ever she pleased and in the end it did not work out. This song represents the exact emotions I felt during the time we were seeing each other.

975 Views 0 Responses

I give in
I give in
Orion DiFranco

Absolute Eyes

I changed the song name from Falling down to Absolute Eyes and added some violin.

1674 Views 6 Responses

Absolute Eyes
Absolute Eyes
Orion DiFranco

Dont Leave

This song is asking some one to stay. As the heart transcends in the openness of ones soul you try and make the right decision by either letting go or holding on.

1810 Views 4 Responses

Dont Leave
Dont Leave
Orion DiFranco

Falling Down

Basically this song describes a feeling of being lost and then finding yourself again. It could be from god or a person that you have strived to please over the years. Sometimes you have to fall down to get up again.

1235 Views 4 Responses

Falling Down
Falling Down
Orion DiFranco

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