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Bob Abner's avatar

Bob Abner

September 03, 2019

Bob Abner gave feedback on Forever Yours

Also, next song I’d suggest including the lyrics (that always helps in hooking the listener).

September 03, 2019

Bob Abner gave feedback on Forever Yours

A few specific comments: 1) Your voice can get a little thin (G - C above middle C), 2) Pay as much attention to beginning and ending consonants as you do to vowels, 3) Your vocal intonation is good, quite solid, 4) Piano part gets repetitious (a little “poundy” and “bangy”), 5) “Good for you”... Read More

September 03, 2019

Bob Abner gave feedback on M I CROOKED LETTER

Clever hook, of course — a little too formulaic (early in the song, it becomes very obvious where the rest of the song is going, and I found myself basically “tuning the song out”). That notwithstanding, it’s pretty obvious that you have quite bit of skill as a songwriter. Keep... Read More

September 03, 2019

Bob Abner gave feedback on CANT STOP LOVE

Very solid, very catchy, no critique whatsoever — I would encourage you to hop on marketing/publicizing this one. imho, definitely one of the best songs I’ve heard on this site, and I think it can hold its own when compared to a lot of the songs you hear on... Read More

June 12, 2019

Bob Abner gave feedback on Clean

Hey David, the thing that “jumps out at me” (in your lyrics) is that nothing really jumps out at me. As an example, “living on the street” and “sleeping in my car” are both broad and general (generic) phrases that you hear in news stories about the homeless population, BUT... Read More

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