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Haydee Ahrens's avatar

Haydee Ahrens

January 05, 2019

Haydee Ahrens gave feedback on Bury Me Here

Okay, just read the feedback from the others and your original lyrics that are about a couple that is enjoying the moment. For me, the song could work either way. It’s just beautiful. Can there be two different versions of the same song? Anyway, I just really enjoy this... Read More

January 05, 2019

Haydee Ahrens gave feedback on Bury Me Here

I love this song. Everything about it. I love the lyrics and melody. I can feel it. I can see it. Wonderful. Very well-done.

December 13, 2018

Haydee Ahrens gave feedback on Farm Hands

I’ll be honest, I don’t listen to a lot of country. The country songs I like are typically a blend of pop and country, soul plus country, or gospel plus country. That being said, I believe this song could have an important place because it kind of makes... Read More

December 12, 2018

Haydee Ahrens gave feedback on Gravity

Nice blissful feel. Probably my favorite part of the song was the bridge even though you are singing that you’re “coming back down”. It has a sweet sound without being overly sentimental. I second some of the feedback from Renfordt about possibly shortening pauses.

December 12, 2018

Haydee Ahrens gave feedback on Deeper Roots

I really like the lyric saying that says storms create deeper roots. Love that just so you know. Beautiful.

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