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Graham Donahue's avatar

Graham Donahue

October 20, 2017

Graham Donahue gave feedback on nothing to share

I love the song. I do think Brent has some good advice though on making it more in the moment. I think it would be easier to follow that way too. Great job!

August 19, 2017

Graham Donahue gave feedback on Faded Beauty

That makes more sense now. Don’t take my feedback the wrong way. Like I said, I am not always good at interpreting this style of music so it is probably just me. That is cool that it one a contest!

August 17, 2017

Graham Donahue gave feedback on Faded Beauty

I like the song. As is often the case with me and folk songs I have some trouble understanding what the idea of the song is, but like I said, that is probably just me. I do like the imagery and refreshing rhymes. Very nice.

August 17, 2017

Graham Donahue gave feedback on I Wish it Was Me

I like it. I have been wanting to write a song kind of like this (only from a guy’s perspective) but you beat me to it! Overall I would say it is good. The line “Sharin’ all your dreams” doesn’t really make grammatical sense. Maybe you could say... Read More

June 29, 2017

Graham Donahue gave feedback on Since He Won't Leave

Thanks! I’ve got some good ideas on some ways I can improve it!

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