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David Flack's avatar

David Flack

July 14, 2015

David Flack gave feedback on Love Happens

I really love this song.  The lyrics are great… need to change.  It’s got a catchy melody and nice changes in tempo.

April 09, 2015

David Flack gave feedback on Hard Earned Miracles

I think the song has great structure and the concept does come across.  I really like the contrast and the buildup.

April 09, 2015

David Flack gave feedback on Marry You

I’m generally not a country music fan, but I really like this song.  It has that “folk” feel to it, which inspires me.

April 09, 2015

David Flack gave feedback on String of Silver Lights

It’s a really pretty song here, nice melody and strong message.  I wonder if a string of coloured lights might give more contrast to a world gone black and white.  I assume you mean in the one verse that things have been stolen from the yard.

April 09, 2015

David Flack gave feedback on Fighter

I like the melody here, although some of the lyrics could be a bit clearer.  You have an interesting song structure with the uneven and even number of lines.

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