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Charlie Katt's avatar

Charlie Katt

June 12, 2014

Charlie Katt gave feedback on The Pluto Song (Me and Clyde)

Thank you so much. I really appreciate that.

June 12, 2014

Charlie Katt gave feedback on The Pluto Song (Me and Clyde)

Thank you!

May 20, 2014

Charlie Katt gave feedback on A Glimmer of Hope

Ok, cool. although the chorus is a different melody than the verses, I see what you mean. Thanx!

May 12, 2014

Charlie Katt gave feedback on Cupid's Song

Love this. Such a great idea. I think a lot of people are afraid to write songs like this. It reminds me of a Weird Al song “The Night Santa Went Crazy”. Good job man

May 09, 2014

Charlie Katt gave feedback on A Glimmer of Hope

Thank you so much. You’re probably the third person to say that Billy Joel thing about this song! He was a big influence to me. I get what you mean about the going up at certain parts. I def agree. In future recordings I should probably “indulge” more and... Read More

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